Sunday 8 November 2009

Kettles Yard Filming

We went to Kettles yard gallery to film for our music video, when we got there we were met by a lady who showed us around the gallery and told us the rules and regulations behind filming in the public gallery.

Whilst filming we had to be careful of the photographs/ pictures around us when we were using the tripod, as they are valuable pieces of art. Also whilst filming we had to try hard not to get our reflections in the shot when we were filming, we solved this by getting the camera at the right angle.

We felt that we had a variety of shots, we included some over the shoulder shots, some close up shots, and some long shots, we felt that each of these were effective in their own ways.

The filming for us , was a success , this is a VERY good thing as it was the last day we could do any filming ! We got some clips of Emily drawing the pieces of art which we felt was effective as this showed what she does in her spare time! :)

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