Tuesday 3 November 2009

filming problems

As we were filming in public places we had to be awawre of where we were and were not allowed to film. When filming in `Starbucks` we thought that we would need permission to film here so we asked a member of staff if this was acceptable, he told us that we were allowed as long as we filmed in the corner of the room quietly, ade sure that we did not disrupt anyone, and made sure that we did not film anybody who did nto give their consent to be in our video.

The filming in starbucks was overall successful.

The other problem we had was that we were filming in the Grand Arcade when a security guard came along and told us that we couldn`t film there, but as we began to pack our things away, he told us that it would be okay for us to film there as long as we did not get any shops in any of our shots.

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