Thursday 15 October 2009


This is our first storyboarding sheet, in this it is the opening shot of the girl coming out of 'work'.
The girl then starts to get changed, and changes her shoes.

In this storyboarding sheet the girl puts her hand across the camera, and shortly after, pulls her hand away, revealing her wearing party clothes. She puts leather jacket on as she walks up the hill.She holds up cards saying 'Banker' and ' Student'

In this shot, the girl holds up cards saying ' housewife' and 'travelling football fan'(this is because they are the lyrics). The girl then throws the cards with the occupations written on, behind her.Girl sings chorus, shot from top of hill to represent "rendezvous".

in this shot we get introduced to the boy , who is at the top of the hill, he holds up cards saying 'Hero' 'Angel' 'Leader' ' All things to all men' (because these are the song lyrics again).
Girl walks to top of the hill where she meets the boy.

In this final sheet, the girl and boy meet at the top of the hill, then as the song comes to an end they walk off hand in hand, with their backs to the camera.

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