Monday 12 October 2009


As the deadline draws closer we have been thinking about when to go out and start filming the actual video footage, and we have come to the decision that due to having jobs, and our cast have jobs ,and prior commitments . We feel that we should film sometime between 23rd-26th October. As we feel this would give us enough time to get the filming done that we need.

One of the problems that we feel we could come across whilst filming is, having to get all the filming done in one day. Our filming location is not going to be local, and due to the difficulties of actually getting there and back, we feel as if we can only make these trips once.A solution to this though, is simply arriving along at the location in the early hours of the day(which we would have to do anyway if we wanted to capture the sunrise), and leaving in the late hours of the day (which we also wanted to do anyway to capture the sunset) . If we do not manage to capture the sunrise/ sunset at the beach/ seaside , it will not be a big problem as we could find a body of water locally, and capture the image that we wanted.

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