Although we feel that our project went well,after producing and reviewing the roughcut of our project , we feel that there are some shots that did not go as well as we had initially thought;

This is the main shot that we feel did not go as well as it could have, this is because our performer forgot the words, but tried to improvise, resulting in her looking very confused!(as shown in the photograph). Due to the fact that, at this point it was beginning to get dark, we thought that this shot had gone well enough, and we could cover it again at a different location.Unfortunately due to being rushed, and having to fit in the rest of the song as well , we did not have time to re-film this part of the song, at this location or another.We will however, be re-filming this part for our final piece.

This is another shot that we feel did not go too well, we think this because our performer is looking to the side, which we think implies that she feels nervous, or scared about doing this video for us. We will be re-filming this bit, so that our performer does not look as awkward as she does in this shot.
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